Spinal Decompression

Do you suffer with low back pain, neck pain, or carpal tunnel syndrome? Have you been told you need back surgery? Decompression Therapy is a safe and effective treatment for these conditions. It is also very affordable and far less expensive than surgery.

Do you have a herniated disc, bulging disc, slipped disc, multiple herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, facet syndrome, or any other type of spinal problem? Is your medical doctor suggesting surgery, injections, pain medications, or physical therapy? Have you tried chiropractic and just could not get enough relief or get it to last long enough? Schedule a free consultation with Dr. Carradine to see if spinal decompression might be be able to help you. Call our office today at 330-758-4446!

Decompression Therapy is the hottest new therapeutic device for disc compression and disc syndromes!

The Disc Decompression Therapy is an effective treatment for:

  • Herniated Disc
  • Disc Degenerative
  • Facet Syndrome
  • Sciatica
  • Post-surgical Patients
  • Spinal Stenosis
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Current research indicates the disc is responsible for a significant number of incidents of back pain, leg pain, neck and arm pain syndromes. Compression increases intradiscal pressure leading to annular compromise and possible extrusion of nuclear material from the disc.

Since the intervertebral disc is an avascular structure, it doesn’t receive fresh blood and oxygen with every beat of the heart. It requires “diffusion," which is created by motion and ‘decompression’ to restore nutrients and enhance healing.

Our clinical findings indicate Decompression will create a relatively quick initial response. Patients who will do well with treatment tend to feel a sense of relief, which can be direct pain cessation or a centralization of pain and/or reduction to an ache or stiffness within 6 sessions. Full relief, if attainable through this passive treatment will usually occur in 8-12 sessions. Occasionally, a ‘stubborn’ pain syndrome may continue to improve slowly over 15+ sessions although this is not the norm. Often patients will be treated from 4-6 sessions and notice enough relief to allow active rehab exercises to begin. Their decompression therapy may continue (pre or post rehab depending on the methods chosen) for 4-6 further sessions before discontinuing decompression or reducing the frequency.

The typical frequency is 3 times per week. Our experience suggests Decompression is also an excellent supportive or maintenance treatment for those cases where pain relief is marked but prone to exacerbations with certain activities.

Find out if spinal decompression will help you! Contact us at (330) 758-4446.